“Climacteurs - 100 voices for the climate!” is a deliberative project of the Brussels Regional Government and the Brussels-Environment agency, organized by Particitiz, aiming to bring together a panel of young people from Brussels to debate climate change issues, on the sidelines of the COP21.
Climacteurs took place on November 14, 2015 and gathered a randomly selected panel of about sixty young people from Brussels who debated and made concrete proposals to implement on the issue of climate change at the Brussels level.
After an introduction in plenary session by experts in climate change and a Q&A session, the exchanges continued between citizens, by tables of 6 people each animated by a moderator, on three main subjects:
- reduction of emissions in the building sector,
- sustainable consumption,
- the involvement of citizens in the fight against climate change.
At the end of the 3 debates, about 20 proposals emerged from the different tables and were ranked, using a voting system, according to the degree of support from all the citizens present. The proposals that received the highest level of support were then presented and discussed with Minister Céline Fremault and Professor Jean-Pascal van Ypersele. These proposals were then brought by the Minister of the Environment to the international climate negotiations (COP21) in Paris.